Our day started with a trip to the Train Table with Lindsay & Liliana. Something we haven't really done since Ryan started Pre-K, but used to do about 2-3 times a week to keep my sanity during the last deployment...But, just when I thought we'd be able to put away the train table [that is taking up the majority of Ryan's room]...it looks like Lambie will be getting some use out of it. So it'll stay up for a little while longer. 

Where's Liliana!?
Oh wait...I can still see you, let me add another!
...and by the looks of the pics, I think they definitely succeeded!
[thank you SO much for the pics...and sending them so quickly too]
I sure hope she made him help clean up this mess...
Lambie and I had a rather uneventful afternoon. The kid ate 2.5 pieces of pizza...ya you read that right...she's a PIG! LOL However, she still managed to make room for Cold Stone, which is where we met up with Ry & Brooke for alittle dessert! He didn't want to leave her...neither did Lambie for that matter! But, we'll be seeing her again soon...

Sooo...Ryan basically has THE BEST Pre-K teacher in the History of teachers! I'm sure you've seen her through out the blog, Ryan is very fond of her & vice versa! Anyways, she met us at Barnes & Noble to pick up Ry...& spend the day having fun & hanging out!

[are they cute or what!?]
Ps. I love all the pics of Ry, but it would've been awesome to have some pics of you two together!
Oh my gosh so cute. Sydney came across one of those train tables in a boutique up in Prescott this weekend. Only way I got her out of the store was to promise to buy her one.....sigh. Now I guess I have to make good on that.