Ryan got a
gianormous "Hulk" Nerf gun [from Mommy & Daddy] and a semi-auto Nerf gun from Mackenzie &
fam. So what do we do with all these Nerf darts!? Wait for Mackenzie to get home with her 2 new Nerf guns and have an all out Nerf war in the front yard!
Uhm...this almost doesn't seem fair!

C'mon K~Bear...put some back in to it!

Lindsay [
haha...I spelt it right] even got in on the action!

As advertised...it shoots over 60ft!

They look determined don't they!?
Thank god these are just Nerf guns!

Yup...you got me!
How disgusting...it was SO humid the darts just stuck to ya!
...and what were our kids doing during all this!?
Playing Play-doh!
The night ended with Pizza & a big @ss pitcher of Sangria...most of which ended up on the sidewalk, thanks to 1 very swift kick from Lambie! Awwww...summer is here! I can't wait for more nights like last night!
Next time...Super Soakers...It's on McGee's!
Super Soakers it is!!!! That was a great time. I am looking forward to a lot of that this summer!