.Life's a Beach.
[yup, I think that says it all...]
Friday from 10-4 was the Tybee Sand Arts Festival. But, the kids had school so as soon as Kailee got home and changed...we headed out to Tybee! OMG, it was 86 degrees and gorgeous. I should've packed swim suits...
Lambie...just taking her time with the water!

Ryan fighting the tide!

Just playing in the water

Cave of Wonders from Aladdin

Rotten kids...right before I took the pic some
awful tween walked up and kicked in the fishes mouth! Even Ryan knew to stay off the sand art!

There were 3...again...rotten kids!
hear no evil, speak no evil...see no evil

Taking a breather

We are one busy busy family...after the beach we headed to
Greyson Stadium to watch our favorite single A ball team!
LOLThe Savannah Sand Gnats

They were like vultures when Fred gave them the popcorn

Hot Fries
Dip'n Dots!

Uhmmm...fits nice, Ry!
Gnate the Gnat

Lambie was not a fan of fireworks
Saying you're a busy family is a total understatement. You impress me!! Looks like so much fun!