Every year SCAD has a free concert in the Park for it's recent graduates. Last year, the kiddo's & I saw Natasha Bedingfield. This year we 'heard' was going to be the Allman bro. [uhmmm, not at the top of our must see concert list, but we figured...what the hell!?] However, someone somewhere got it wrong and the headliner was actually Michael Franti & Spearhead!
So after picking the kiddo's up from school...taking Kailee back home so that the Princess could change out of her school uniform, we finally headed down to Forsyth. [Fred was teaching a class & would meet us later]

.Ingram Hill.
It was pretty hot & humid.
Getting ready to leave...an hour after getting there!
So Crazy

Who ever was running the concert actual instructed everyone to leave the park. But, that worked out to our benefit...by this time Fred was getting off work, so we ran home, ate dinner...it looked clear, so we decided to pack the kids back up and see if they had started the concert again. Sure enough they had...it was WAY more packed than earlier, but we still managed to find a nice spot to park it...close enough to see, but far enough so the music wasn't blaring.
The reason for leaving...

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