Like being sick on Christmas Eve/Day and currently, isn't crappy enough! As of right now...there are ZERO pics from Christmas! Not because I failed to take any...but because, my memory card is screwed up and keeps trying to 'reformat'! UGH...So until my tech geek hubby comes home on R&R, I unfortunately have no pics to share. Don't fret...Fred was able to web cam Christmas morning with us, so he got to see 'first hand' the kids open all their presents, plus we are having a 2nd 'mini-Christmas' when Kailee and my brother get here on the 4th. I will be sure to take more pics then...what's even more frustrating is that I am reduced to using a cheapy 2gb mem card, since my Class 6 is the one on the fritz...grrrrr! Thinking I'll have to ask for a new card w/the new camera!? ;]
But, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas...aside from the mem card tragedy and half our family on opposite sides of the earth, the little Lovins and I had a fabulous Christmas. Lindsay was awesome enough to bring us a plate of yummy turkey w/all the fixins, so the pizza went back into the freezer for another day! LOL
Time to get ready for New Year's...
Doesn't that just make you crazy!!! Dang technology....it's tricky.