Last night,
Kailee had her first dramatic performance since starting
Shuman. It was MUCH bigger than I anticipated w/dancers and an orchestra! Above is a pic of her performing her monologue from Jane Eyre...and below is a pic of Brooke slapping Ry...LOL Kidding...she was just telling him to 'shhhhh' and it just ended up looking wrong! But, I do want to thank Brooke for coming out and supporting Kailee...it really means a lot to have such an amazing support system...not only during deployments but everyday we are 3,000 miles apart from our family back home! We are extremely LUCKY!
What is with her and the napkins...

Here is her doing a scene from Arsenic and old Lace

Kai & a couple of her friends!

She did SO well! We all knew that "drama" came second nature to Kailee...LOL but I had no idea she had a flare for the dramatic arts! I only wish I had freaking video on my DSLR...[hint hint, Hubby] Kidding...LOL I know it's not your fault...I will pick one & I'll let you know as soon as I do! ;] There are a TON of other pics from last night, but they will have to wait. I am wiped out! But, I will get them up...I hope everyone is having a fabulous week, I can't believe it's almost over!?
YEAH KAILEE!!!! I always knew you would bring down the house. Great job. I am super proud of you.