Eventually, we made it to the zoo...
[I've got all my ducks in a row]

Play on the Playground
Climbing through the tree top
[this thing looks like a giant rope vagina]
Swinging like a Monkey...
Checking out Ha-UGE rodents
Time for some snuggin'
Same pic on my FB, just edited differently...

Usually, it's branches w/leaves
Lambie could've fed Spock all day!
Gator wrastlin'
It was pretty chilly Wed. the wind was really picking up...so we only stayed a few hours. Mostly killed time while we wated to make sure Kailee had made it same & sound out of Florida. It was a nice distraction from thinking about her leaving and missing the holidays! I REALLY wanted PF Changs...but, unfortunately it's the complete opposite direction and I was beyond exhausted from the early morning! So we settled for Olive Garden...

This came in the mail yesterday:
An awesome ornament, that has a map of Afghanistan & the TF Brawler logo on the front...as well as very fitting excerpt from Joshua 1:9 and a thank you note on the back from Col. Ault's wife...I love it so much, it's quickly becoming a fave!
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and has finished their Christmas shopping, so as to avoid the crazy Malls...I know, I will be snug at home...
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