Friday, December 18, 2009

Another trip to the Jax Zoo

After dropping Kai~Bear off at the was still super early, well too early to head to the zoo. So the Lovins and I swung by Starbucks for a little a lotta pick-me! Lambie spilt chocolate milk all over her cream leggings right before we were getting ready to that's why you'll notice the slight wardrobe change!
Eventually, we made it to the zoo...
[I've got all my ducks in a row]
The train we ride EVERYTIME we go to the zoo! What the lovins wanted to do first...
Play on the Playground Climbing through the tree top [this thing looks like a giant rope vagina] Swinging like a Monkey... Checking out Ha-UGE rodents Time for some snuggin'
Same pic on my FB, just edited differently...
The first time we've ever fed the giraffe's lettuce...
Usually, it's branches w/leaves
Lambie could've fed Spock all day!
Gator wrastlin'
It was pretty chilly Wed. the wind was really picking we only stayed a few hours. Mostly killed time while we wated to make sure Kailee had made it same & sound out of Florida. It was a nice distraction from thinking about her leaving and missing the holidays! I REALLY wanted PF Changs...but, unfortunately it's the complete opposite direction and I was beyond exhausted from the early morning! So we settled for Olive Garden...
This came in the mail yesterday:
An awesome ornament, that has a map of Afghanistan & the TF Brawler logo on the well as very fitting excerpt from Joshua 1:9 and a thank you note on the back from Col. Ault's wife...I love it so much, it's quickly becoming a fave!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and has finished their Christmas shopping, so as to avoid the crazy Malls...I know, I will be snug at home...

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