Fred had staff duty Saturday, which pretty much consumes his entire weekend...So the lovins and I spent our days playing and our nights snuggin'! Yesterday it stormed, so we were more than ecstatic about getting out and enjoying the sunshine today!!! After, Starbucks & the softplay of course...
Isn't this life...
Boys & Girls in a constant tug-o-war!

[if you haven't noticed...I had a little fun w/the x-processing effect] Sweet Lambie
Colton Man
Mmm Mmm...Dinner
The 3 Amigo's [gotta love summer time in Savannah] He's one bad Mo Fo!
Miss Melissa is SO funny Look...if you're not gonna push me Mom...I'll walk!
That's my quick little blog for the night! I'm off to have a 'healthy' serving of my hubbies delish Apple Crisp! Melissa...yours is on it's way! [LOL, I'm walking out the door, now!]
You guys are the best! You made the night go so much smoother! And the applecrisp was awesome!! Thanks so much! Now I really gotta run tomorrow. The rest of teh applecrisp is saying no don't leave me here all alone!! HMMMMM...what to do?