So Ryan came to me this afternoon, he handed me a piece of printer paper and said,"Mommy make me an airplane!" OF COURSE! It's such a simple request...HA! After googling how to make a paper airplane [because I was determined to make something cooler than the regular ones] I came across several sites that said...THIS was the BEST paper airplane! I quickly skimmed through the pics and thought,"I got this!" little did I know...the pics I had just skimmed over were only directions 1-12 of 35!!! Eventually I had to turn to the demo video which is 5 minutes long! 5 minutes long and that guy knows what he was doing! Just imagine how long it took me to figure it out...But, as advertised...it's a pretty good
flyer! Fred [who tried to
dissect it's aerodynamics] was even impressed. Chalk one up to Mommy!

Incase you want to give it a try...
Today was a random day all around for toys...first, entertainment with a piece of flying paper...and then this...

Forget the thousands of stacking toys, Lego's & Mega Blocks we have in this house...He wanted to play with Dixie cups!
[check out Lambie sneaking into the action...here comes trouble]

The aftermath, Dixie cup carnage!

So basically, with all that happened today it has made me realise my kids are
not technology dependent..even though they have
tv's in their rooms &
Wii's & the latest in
BlueRay at their fingertips...they are more than content with good ole fashion paper & rocks!
LOL It really does make a Mama proud!

Fred left for work around 3, because he is flying nights tonight...so the
lovins and I took a trip to
Forsyth, even though it was still super hot out!

Yup, same day...different shirt!

Lambie...thank god for bloomers!

Sweaty buns makes for sticky slides...ouch

Super Ryan

We usually make her drink last, cause you don't want to drink after she has! But she was one thirsty baby & counldn't be stopped!
Fancy airplanes you got there!