These first two are from the soft play yesterday...but the rest are from today!
Lambie rockin' her *new* Spy sunglasses, sent all the way from our fabulous friends in sunny Southern Cali...Brody &
Ceanna! Love you guys!

So we ran around town with Melissa and
Colton Man today. What an adventure...Sam's, Target, Carpool & then Barnes & Noble for a quick visit with Brooke and Sydney!

Josh &
lil Brooke were also there. The boys reading Transformers!
OMG, this kid is ALWAYS stealing
Colton's snacks...always!

Lambie got a new set of wheels today!
She's almost too old for these things and more than capable of peddling herself, which is why we got her the Cozy Coupe...but all the cool kids in the neighborhood have them, so of course she needed one too!
LOL But seriously, I got a good deal [especially considering it's a Whisper Buggy] and she loves riding in Liliana's, so I figured why not!?
Colton Man in his!

Out for a stroll, after some yummy grilled steaks &
fixin's! Man, we eat good when Fred is around!

Yes, we are drinking and driving...
Lauren taking
Colton for a spin

.baby blues.

There are some cute pics & video of the kids in a hurrican machine! I gotta steal the vid from Melissa and then get them on the bliggity blog!
Those mini cars are so precious.