...and I didn't get a single picture! Really!? Ya, really! I think I was just too excited to see him, taking pictures just completely escaped my mind! BUT, I did get pics of our daily activities...the stuff we did to keep busy so we weren't just sitting around twiddling our thumbs waiting for him to get home! My morning started by taking his car to the car wash, I had already vacuumed and wiped down everything...which made it that much easier for the people who were about to do it again! Aren't I thoughtful!? Then we made a quick stop at the cookie shop for a slice of cookie cake! Then we dropped daddy's car off at work. [thx Melissa for picking us up] That took us till about noon...which was perfect timing for playgroup that I was hosting this week at our neighborhood sprayground!

Zoe is so silly!

And if that didn't wear the lovins out, we packed up and headed out to Brooke's! They both totally passed out in the car...which made my detour to Starbucks THAT much more enjoyable...we had lunch at Spanky's and then checked out a surf shop...where I ended up getting a little raft for the small fries! Lambie wasn't a huge fan of the water like she usually is...I think because it was later in the day and the tide was a bit rougher...it just wasn't as fun...but, she found other things to do to occupy her time...
Like chasing sea gulls!

[Brooke's niece & nephew]

...and that's about when we packed up and headed back to Savannah! Just in time to see Daddy loading up all his dirty gear into his nice clean car...lol [do I sound bitter!?] We all went home, showered and changed and then headed out to din din @ Macaroni Grill [wish you were here K-Bear] By the time we got home it was way past bedtime and I gladly got the kiddo's in bed so me & the hubster could chill out and do some snuggin' on the couch...but not before he showed me all the cool pix & video from his trip! [lucky me] ;)
I am about a day and a half behind in the blogging...but, with Fred having 3 weeks off I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to catch up!
Haha "Popeye". I always like the pics of kids chasing seagulls and then the next where the seagulls are chasing them. :) You should have a mad tan in a week or so. The expectation is high!