Could this fish be any bigger!?
OMG, SO CUTE...Giant Otters!
Snuggin' on the Merry-go-Round
Lambie lovin' it!
Ryan acting like the Cheetah he's riding
Running through the garden maze...He pretty much dragged her through the whole thing!
Mama & her chicks!
Bubby showing Lambie how to brush goats!
What part of "Don't get wet"...did he not understand!?
The sucking is so weird...
We left the Zoo at around 5...PERFECT timing for a nice dinner before getting on the road...OR so we thought!

This pic was taken tight after the Stingray 'bit' him...we tried explaining that they don't have teeth...the zoo keeper explained that they don't have teeth. Nothing was getting through the hysterics...he didn't believe any of us! The drama lasted about 3 minutes...and then he saw a stuffed stingray w/a pirate hat, eye patch and earring..that he HAD to have [and got] and all of a sudden stingray's were his FAVORITE animal!

Ryan gets excited cause he loves bridges & seeing the boats on the water...Mommy gets excited cause this means we are going to PF Changs!
Lambie chowing down on her fortune cookie.
LOVE this mall!!!
Ryan had to ride the train...
OMG Fred! HAHAHAHA That maze pic of Ryan and Lambie is just adorable!!!