So for about 2 years now, I have been part of this amazing group of Savannah area moms...that stems from a
CafeMom group! We have weekly playgroups & holiday get
togethers...I'm sure you've seen the pics...but, every so often we leave the
lovins at home and have a [well deserved] Mommies Night Out!
Tonights event was out on
Tybee Isl. We had originally planned on going to dinner at N.Beach Grill...but, when we arrived they informed us that they had no food and no liquor! Seriously!? So we blew that
popsicle stand and ended up at
Spanky's. After dinner we walked down to the beach...spread out a few blankets and sipped some Sangria that Brooke and I had thrown together before heading down to dinner!
Ahahaha...Amie is crazy!
Chaila & I

Sangria gets a big thumbs up!

Beth, Amie, Kim

Probably the best
MNO turn out, yet!

My bad for giving Brooke the camera...again!

It's not easy trying to take a pic w/a big ole

So...not only did I have a blast with the ladies...my [too good to be true] hubby, cooked the kids a pork tenderloin dinner, bathed & tucked them into bed...but, wait...it gets better! He did the dishes, laundry and cleaned the kitchen! Trust me...I know I'm a lucky girl! I'm off to do some
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