Monday, April 27, 2009

Tee Time

Fred had the day off today, so after dropping Ry off at school we went out for breakfast! [yummy strawberry crepes] And since it was so nice out we decided to play 9 holes... To busy taking pics to hold the pin.
[My paparazzi tendencies have totally rubbed off on him]
Daddy has the cutest caddy...EVER! Golf & Argyle go hand in hand...
[what was once a cute sweater dress is now just a sweater! LOL]
Cruising in the golf cart...she LOVED it!
Because I was squatting to take her picture...she decided to squat also!
This evening...
It's not everyday you see a Blackhawk flying around w/4 dummies on a rope!
[from your backyard]


  1. Ok, you're a brave woman taking Lambie to the golf course. Sydney would LOSE IT!! I gotta show these pics to Chris! Your sweater is uber cute! Oh yeah and one other thing. Why is the "D" on your Dior's backwards?? ;) XOXOXO

  2. OMG, I could kill know that "D" bothers the crap outa me! LMAO Nevermind...Fred's gonna kill you, cause now he's gonna have to buy me ANOTHER pair of Dior's!


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