St. Patricks Day is actually on Tuesday, March 17th. But, because the kids don't have school Tuesday [yes, because it's St. Patricks day...apparently it's a big deal down here!]...his school held their St. Patty's Day parade & party on Friday! The kids got to bring their bikes & trikes and ride around the parking lot.
...and he's off!

[where did he learn to drive like this!?]
Ugh...is this thing over yet!?

Like mother like daughter!
As long as she's got food...we're good!
Walking Ry back to class
Story time while the parents set up for the Party
Time to hit the road...

[Super Baby]

Daddy kisses...loves 'em!
There are 2 more St. Patricks Day parades we intend on attending...Tybee Isl. tomorrow [as long as it doesn't rain, we have about a 40% chance of showers] and the BIG parade downtown on Tuesday [which the rain will not keep us from going to]...we are also gonna try to make it to Forsyth to see the green fountain! So check back for more pics...

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