Learning how to work the binoculars!
Searching the net for invertebrates...
Logging what they found...
Clearly it was too early! LOL
"My" group! They rocked!
Not only was Kailee's group the one who found the most 'stuff'! They were also the only one's to find several things...
Goofing around, getting ready to head back to school!
She's got skills...
Back to the grind...busy writing in her notebook, so that she could come home w/me & FINALLY grab Starbucks! LOL

one of them being THIS...
[if anyone reading this can identify it, that would be AWESOME]
After googling, I personally think it's a baby Mud Puppy...
But, neither the Science teach nor the Conservation tour guide knew what it was!

So it was a chilly, dirty, exploring kinda day...which just translates to FUN! I honestly LOVE this kinda stuff. It was really cool to see the kids so into it. Shhhhh...don't tell them they were learning! Anyways, this trip was 1 or 3 the class will be taking, I can't wait for the next one...we are going on a boat trip! Woot!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sooo cool! Love the shots. Such a good mama