Ok, so maybe not the end of the world...but I am feeling VERY naked and helpless! I am never far from my Rebel, just waiting to capture those ridiculously cute, silly or odd moments that are a constant in this house! But unfortunately, yesterday afternoon while grabbing Starbucks w/Lambie, Mel & Bella...the bain of my existence [aka the Orbit Baby] decided it would be a perfect opportunity to tip and dump and entire iced Venti white mocha INTO my fabulous chenille Petunia Pickle Bottom Touring Tote, in turn soaking the keys, pull-ups, my Coach wallet and CAMERA! While I tended to Lambie, making sure she was ok...the dslr just sat! It sat in so much liquid, ice cubes were actually floating around. Though, I'm not sure the rice is going to have any effect on the damage that was probably done...it's worth a shot!? Keep your fingers crossed, that it works!
I am weeks away from getting a fabulous new camera, anyways. But, this baby was supposed to join Fred in Afghanistan! Breaking the news to him was NOT easy and I thought for sure he'd flip, but I was completely wrong...he was just glad Lambie was ok, alittle disappointed the Canon might not make it over there and as always, the voice of reason. He reassured me that there was nothing I could do and even now as I play it all back, I still can't figured out what happened!? I seriously hate this feeling...but, it is just a camera and very replaceable. However Lambie, is not! ;] So I'm coming to terms w/the days events!

Today was very low key, hockey & homework...and now that I am covered in Elmer's glue, I am gonna veg out on the couch and watch the Sharks! It's a almost Friday...Woot woot!
Oh man...that seriously sucks. I hope that the rice works. What's up with this new stroller?