Tamp flew into Sav'h for New Years w/a couple of his buddies from Alabama. LOL Not like normal people on a commercial airline, like they actually flew the planes that got them here...such a bizarre concept! But, I seriously can not wait for Fred & I to be able to do that! Woo Hoo! Anyways, since I stayed home w/my Lovins on New Years Eve...we decided to get together for sushi the next night! YUM!

[If you know me...you know I stuck to teriyaki chicken!]

After Wasabi's we headed to Wild Wings. Surprisingly, City Market was like a ghost town. I'm sure everyone was recuperating from the previous night...LOL Fine by me, I'm not a fan of crowds!
I think her tractors sexy...
When you give a guy a camera...
Me & my Brookie

[showing 'em how it's done]

Me, Brooke, Paul, Scott and Tamp
So going out with Tamp, who is one of my Hubby's best friends...REALLY made me miss having the hubster home! We always have so much fun together, especially when friends, food and booze are involved. We really are lucky to have found such amazing people in this city...I can't thank the Army enough for sending us, though they clearly didn't do it for our benefit! LOL 2 months down...just a couple more till R&R! Tamp & I are already making plans for a night out when Fred gets back...YAY!
I can't even imagine what life is like without your hubby. Big Hugs!!!