So going to bed at 10pm is not
conducive to my serial blogging...which usually gets done after the kids go to bed...but I barely have the energy to switch the laundry over and start a load of dishes. All thanks to the
lovins and I feeling like poop this week. But, we still managed to squeeze in
Storytime downtown w/some of our favorite friends.
Lambie & Colton in a stare down!
"The wheels on the bus go round & round"
Snuggin' Ry...who insists on wearing Fred's cap these days!
When the singing and reading stories is over they have a big bucket of puppets to play with...Ryan picked a giraffe!

storytime we headed to Macaroni Grill for lunch. Most of it was spent playing musical chairs...
lol but there was quite a few of us...Melissa, Jessica,
Chaila and myself + our little
lovins that we needed to squeeze in! Once we finished up lunch we ventured over to the soft play...

...and that was our Thursday!
Friday, I surprised the lovins with a trip to the movies.
We saw...
Which they loved. It was not so much like the book, except for a couple scene's at the end...but still good!
Lambie is such a popcorn hog...but, its so cute when she says 'Pop pop' [popcorn]

Driving with these kids is always fun!
Rockin' out...dancing


Well, we just got home from the beach...those pics will hopefully be up tomorrow. But, who knows, it's 6:30 and I am SO ready for bed! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
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