Back story: Tuesday afternoon I received an e-mail from our old FRG leader, about free tickets to Britney in ATL. So I immediately called Fred and told him about the e-mail, we quickly talked it over...because free tickets aren't so 'free' after you consider the cost of gas for the 6+ hour round trip drive, hotel, food, souvenirs...etc! In the end, we decided it was worth it, so he dropped what he was doing and swung over to MWR to check it out. I just assumed that the 'free tickets' would be up in the nose bleeds, so I was really surprised when Fred called and asked section 101 or 120!? Oh...and all this was suppose to be a surprise for Kailee! Which is why I didn't say a thing about it...Well, the surprise was blown Thursday...[thanks Eric] But, she wasn't any less excited to were good.
Grabbing Starbucks before hitting the road!

In front of the huge CNN building, which is next door to Phillips Arena
We got there alittle early, cause somebody had to pee!
Autumn & Sydney came over for a visit, they also snagged tickets from MWR
Waiting for the show to start...
Since we got 3 tickets & our babysitter was also at the concert, Fred stayed home w/the little loves and Chaila filled his seat! [which was a way funner]
Britney stuff...that she'll probably never use again...
Oh Oh it's starting...shhh...I mean, SCREAM!!!
The concert is incredibly entertaining...there is never a dull moment!
Uhhhhh...the opening w/Perez Hilton is too cool!
Lots of concert pics...
So Britney only actually sings 1 song...out of her 20 song set. But, that's expected...and it probably sounds better that way!
.the end.
...and she's off!
One last pic before we go...
So, I can't thank the Army/MWR enough for the opportunity to see Britney in concert! Even though, I'm not a huge Britney fan...the girl knows how to put on a show! I am really glad that Chaila was able to go w/us...but I'm exceptionally happy that Kailee had such a fabulous time...Chaila asked Kailee,"On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the concert?" Kailee said,"a hundred"! LOL

Kristinia DeBarge

[She alone, was worth the drive]
But, Kailee saw her over the summer when she & her Mum saw the Jonas Bro.!
Yes, she is one lucky kid!

Sydney came down to hang out w/Kailee

[I don't think she sat the entire concert]

So even though I was half tempted to make the drive home...after we stopped at Denny's for a midnight snack, there was no way I'd stay awake for the BORING 2 hour drive between Macon & Kailee & I found a hotel and stayed the night! Of course we stopped at Starbucks for our morning pick-me-up! Then we headed home...
Kailee enjoying her Chocolate Banana Vivano smoothie

Yay, the bag!! Woo-who, the girls are going to be excited!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I think Jordan was wearing the samething when we saw her, lOl!
Hey, babe! Love the pictures! I'm glad you had so much fun! Did you scream extra loud when they played Do Somethin'? And you know that you're giving me that cup, right? :). I'm missing you like crazy!!! Can't wait to see you! Love you, babe.
Auntie Steph