Usually, hockey is just one big sweat-fest. It's Georgia, anytime you're outdoors...expect to sweat! That's just for us Mom's, watching patiently from the You don't even want to know how disgusting our boys are...LOL But with fall approaching, it's becoming a bit more tolerable outside. And it seems, we [my fellow hockey mom's & I] have unlocked the key to fully enjoying our nights out @ Lake Mayer! LOL Not to sound like lushes...we don't do this every practice, but atleast once a week. ;] We can't let the kids have ALL the fun...pshhhh!

Ry's doing great, skating hard w/minimal complaining or constantly asking when we are going home! LOL
[you have to picture a Czech accent]
The coach said,"Lets take peekture, we'll fly heli-copter like Daddy!"
After baths, Ryan was trying to put off bedtime...he's done so well taking care of Hammy, that when he asked if he could give him a 'treat'...I couldn't say no! So Ryan distracted them with carrots, while I cleaned out their cage a bit.

They're just too cute!!!

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