Lambie's 1st snow! She LOVED it...but didn't want to touch it!
Awwww...Kailee nailed her!
But...uh...watch out, cause payback is a...
...well lets just say, it sucks! LOL
...and Ryan chose the dog w/floppy ears, who is named Adrian Quwitch Batman III! It has Brooke's voice in it, which he LOVES!
We ended up strolling the mall for about 3 hours and then grabbing a quick bite to eat! Everyone was wiped out, so we decided to check into the Hotel and chill, till it was time for dinner!
More SNOW...outside the hotel!
He's crazy!!!
She's rockin' the side ponytail...
Loving her new hoodie...I can't believe she wears an adult XS!

10 minutes after getting out of the car we were frozen and SO ready to hop back in and defrost! LOL So we continued our journey to Columbia...completely in awe of all the snow and counting the numerous cars that had slid off the road. After some very cautious driving, we finally made it to Columbia and headed straight for Build-a-Bear...apparently everyone had the same idea because the store was crowded. But that didn't stop the Lovins from having a blast! Kailee opted for the Snow Leopard...1 of the few animals she doesn't already have...and for the first time it's a 'boy'...his name is Alex and is dressed just like a Jonas Brother! LOL

However, she calls it Titty Tat...so cute!


So this was our Saturday...the night ended with a bottle of Moscato & tabloid magazine cross word puzzles! Don't let that fool you, we had too much fun [dorks] and the party didn't stop there...the weekend was fabulous and there are MANY more pics to come...so stay tuned!
omg, Lambie is SO CUTE