Sunday...aka Valentine's Day...was spent @ Edventure, which is a hands on Children's Museum in downtown Columbia, SC! Our original plan was the Zoo...but, with the snow and chilly weather we needed to come up with a plan B...and quick! So thanks to Google, we found this place...and I'm SO glad we did, because it's pretty great! Our first stop was the 'Worlds Largest Child'...which we later figured out was more than just a statue...inside the boy, there were tubes and slides that resemble our inner 'workings'...LOL But, Ryan was VERY eager to check out the life size fire engine, slap on a pair of boots and mini fire fighter jacket and slide down the pole! So we kept it moving...
Lambie was also a fan!
Our next stop was Snowville...where you could play a game of hockey or go ice fishing!
The slide was fun...our Miss Priss!
The Wild Child
...and our Speed Demon!
Look Brooke...MORE snow!
Moving onto The World of Work
Operation anyone!?

A mini-Piggly Wiggly...
Try a bite at Lil Birds Diner!
My Garden...for 3 & under, but that didn't stop Ry from having fun putting on a puppet show for Lambie!
.Monkey King, a story from China.
.Mission: Imagination.

You knew I had to do it...LOL
Too much fun!
.The Aha Factory.
Chatting it up with Daddy...recently, every night she tells me, "I miss Daddy" as she climbs into bed. She's not sad, just stating a fact! So I play her his voice that's tucked into her Lambie, she just smiles and snuggles up!'s the sweetest thing! He can't come home soon enough!
I [geek] him!
The Mama's & her Lovins
On our way out...MORE Snow...LOL

There are SO many more exhibits that aren't shown, either I didn't get a chance to resize them [because yes, I'm running out of memory on the blog] or they were closed because of the weather! The ONLY thing that could've made this trip better, would of course have Fred with us! But Brooke is a ball of fun and a HUGE lifesaver! Our little getaway was definitely worth the 3 hour [thanks to the snow] drive. It's a trip we'll be making again when Fred comes home! I hope that everyone had a special Valentine's Day...ours is one we will not soon forget!
That looks awesome. I wish we lived in the same state so we could hang with you. You guys do such fun things.