Our little furry animals!

Kailee got her costume while at her dad's this summer.
So CUTE! Although one old man called her a 'french maid' {shock}

Bella's 1st Halloween!
Just strollin' for candy...
Kendan & Kailee
My Spidey shooting web everywhere!
Going house to house...
Kailee must've been too slow...she's off on her own!
Lambie & the Colton Man...don't make him ANGRY!
Too 'stinken' cute!
Mac & Ry
She's not sharing...lol...she just wanted me to open it!

While Melissa and I, took the kids Trick or Treating...Fred chilled at home, passing out candy!

Happy Halloween from the White Family
I hope everyone had a fabulous time celebrating Halloween! I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to October, yet...

November is a bittersweet month for us...Thanksgiving & My 30th Birthday...we will also be saying goodbye to our hero! [So, please keep Fred in your thoughts while he's away from us]
OMG....the skunk turned out awesome. Very cute kiddos you have.