I guess the upside is that when I got home from running all my morning errands I had a nice big box waiting for me on the porch! Yay!
Bugaboo = Love
Ryan will LOVE that...
Just needed to pop on the front wheels!
Ready to rock & roll...
Uhm...I'd say she likes it!
Cause she threw a fit when I took her out!!!
All I wanted to do was flip the seat around...once I did that and put her back in...she was just peachy again!
Mommies new ride & Lambies new ride!
Not as compact as the Quinny Zapp, but it fits just fine with plenty of room for shopping!
Bugaboo Bee & Bugaboo Frog
Quinny Zapp & Quinny Buzz

My collection is complete!
This'll probably be the last you see of the Quinny's! The Zapp is getting put in Daddy's car...on the off chance he's out alone with the kiddos [although he did try to fight me for the Bee]...and the Buzz is already packed up & back in the closet...maybe I'll pull it out during our next deployment! LOL