Saturday: Round 2 of Trick-or-Treating
Our morning started out like any Starbucks & shopping. I had a few last minute costume pieces to pick before we headed over to Melissa & Jacks, like the jewels for Lambie's ruby slippers. I didn't want to ruin a perfectly good pair of All-stars w/glue, so figuring out a way to get them to stick was interesting. But, I've gotta pat myself on the back...considering I glued these on 1 by 1, they turned out pretty cute, Lambie LOVED them.
"There's no place like home..."

She made a pretty great Dorothy.

.All my

.Bella was a sweet angel.
Lambie knows the drill...she's got her bag WIDE open!
Ryan looked like a bobble head Iron Man!



Well the kids got tons of candy and had a blast! It was a great distraction from this weeks exciting events!!! Hope everyone got lots of goodies & had a fabulous Halloween.
Ya'll probably won't be seeing much from the blog till after Wednesday...but trust me, you won't want to miss it! ;]
Good job on the shoes. They turned out really good.