We had planned on spending Friday night @
Grayson stadium watching the Sand Gnats play
alittle ball...but Mother Nature had other intentions. So instead, we watched the Sand Gnats...
cha cha & electric slide.
LOL That alone was 'almost' worth the 2 hours we waited for the final verdict and my $5! But luckily, we weren't alone...Kara & Gavin were there too, keeping us company.

Like she needed another pic w/Gnate, but she sure does love him!
thx Kara, for snapping this one]

.before the 'no ice cream' meltdown.
Lambie, finding ways to entertain herself...

So, even though we didn't get to see any baseball...we still managed to enjoy the night and I really got excited when I realised [as we were leaving] that it was late enough for BEDTIME! Woo
Today's adventures took us to J.F. Gregory Park in Richmond Hill...we usually go to the playground or whatever 'event' they've got going on. But, Sarah called and asked if we wanted to stroll the path and search for critters...something we have yet to do there, so why not!?
Josh, on the hunt!

...they're off to see the wizard! ;]

OH, they got something...

Actually, quite a few 'somethings'...this
lil guy was the biggest though!


Sarah &
Lambie strollin'

It's a nice little stroll...plenty to see!

.muddy boots = a fun day.

We didn't last long in the heat. So Sarah & I, packed up the kids & headed home...were we quickly changed into our swimsuits and set off to the post pool! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend...summer is just about over for us. Only 1+ week till school starts for my
Lovins! Eek...
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