Our morning started with breakfast @ The Original Pancake House w/Brooke...YUM!!! Then it was off to Barnes & Noble for some Starbucks, while the kids played with the train table! Side note: I'm pretty sure my mom would adopt Brooke, if she could! LOL

.my fave girls.

So, Ryan's been begging to see fireworks for weeks [since 4th of July actually...lol] But, they haven't had any at the Sand Gnats post game till now...so we packed up and headed over to Grayson Stadium. The Gnats have been on a roll lately...and the games are always more exciting when your team is winning! ;]

Even in all the music, announcing & cheering...she slept like a rock!
.Kailee playing ball w/Gavin.
.taking a breather.
Look who woke up!!! LOL Back to work, sissy!
The fireworks did not disappoint! Ryan LOVED 'em!

...and this is about when it started to POUR!!! LOL We raced to the car and were completely soaked by the time we got there! Atleast they held off till after the fireworks!?
your mom is cute! You guys have had a very busy but fun summer! I always enjoy looking at your pictures.