With all the rain over the weekend. Sundays game was cancelled, so Monday's game became a double header. Which only sweetened the deal, since admission was a whopping $1...along w/hot dogs, small drinks...etc! ;]
He's probably our favorite minor league mascot!


What is this thing!?

Ice cream...

dippin' dots.

Mmm Mmm.

.Kara & Gavin.

We really weren't planning to stay through the whole 2
nd game. Especially w/the other team leading 3-0 in the first...but they rallied back and it got really exciting when Harris hit a homer and then a pickle, a hit batter and the Gnats swept the double header...1-0 [first game] & 9-3 [second]!

We are heading back to
Grayson Stadium tomorrow w/Brooke, if anyone wants to join us!?
I'll let you know, we have no plans for tomorrow so it should work out!