Gorgeous Saturday afternoon...take 1 guess where we were, what we were doing & who we were with!?
LOL Predictable...sure! But, it's a pretty fabulous 'predictable' life...

One of my fave pics...I wish her hair wasn't in her face!

This time we remembered the gossip
mag's...packed a yummy picnic lunch...of course, grabbed Starbucks...but, we totally forgot the
Moscato & sunscreen!
LOL Eventually, we'll get it right! ;]
.Do NOT Disturb.
Chocolate ice cream eating in progress!

The next Dog Whisperer

Heading back to the car...4 hours later & Mommy is super burnt!

Ryan some how managed to take a chunk out of the top of his foot...so he hitched a ride w/

So after this 1 day of gorgeous weather, it rained all day Sunday...
bleh! It's nice and 'springy' out today. So, lets hope we have more gorgeous weather this weekend, I need to even out this 'tan'!
Oh my gosh I LOOOOVE that picture of Lambie!!!!