Planning a Universal Studios vacay was the easy part...finding a way to surprise the kids with it, took quite a bit of thought! But, Fred had a super cute idea to print out a picture of Universal Studios, cut it into 6 puzzle pieces and put 2 pieces into each of the kids Valentines Day cards! So, Thursday evening we sat all the kids down for a 'family meeting' and let them open their cards.

Once they were all opened, Kailee and Ryan put the puzzle together!

...and were still alittle confused about what sat in front of them! So we explained the details of the trip and that's when the excitement finally set in...

Home away from home for the next 4 days!

Our room
[as seen from the water taxi on the river]

So nice...too bad we were only in their long enough to change into swim suits & sleep!

After getting settled into the room we headed down to City Walk for dinner and to check out the sites.

Lambie checking over the menu...

[one of the salvaged pics...YAY...more to come]

Later that night we decided to go for a dip in the pool.
Kailee and Ryan spent their time on the water slide...we hung out with Lambie on the 'beach'!

We spent the morning at Universal Studios. Thanks to early admission & our room keys doubling as 'Express Pass' we finished up all there was to see and do by 4pm so we headed over to Islands of Adventure! There was definitely more to do at Islands of Adventure...they have awesome coasters like the Hulk and Duelling Dragons...but, who doesn't love the nostalgia of Universal Studios!?

'Almost' like home!

The good ole Jaws ride

Oh Boy did it make her JUMP!

Mommy & Lambie waiting @ the Baby Swap!
[Universal has the best baby swap areas I've seen...actual rooms w/TV's, benches, changing tables & water fountains]


He's got mad chopstick skills!

My little monkeys climbing around!

Kailee Bear & Ry Guy on a kiddie coaster

My strong man!

Roar...I won!

Our Lovins!

Lambie riding High in the Sky @ Seuss Landing

On the Caro-seuss-el

The girls on One Fish, Two Fish

Tired little legs, hitching a ride.
[Waiting for the Cat in the Hat ride]

Hmmm...I think she likes ice cream!

Pics from Island of Adventure...

Chillen' waiting for Daddy, bubby & sissy to get off the Jurassic Park ride!
...here they come...just alittle wet!

OK people...where to next!?

Too Cute

He would paint his face this way everyday if we'd let him!

My normal drink $4.65 @ Universal $5.10

Dudley Do-rights Ripsaw Falls

They got soaked!

I want one of these in my bathroom...

Our fave Island of Adventure ride!
The Hulk

The Hulk as seen from the High in the Sky Trolley ride

Our last day...

Lunch @ the Nascar Grill on City Walk

4 days at Universal Studios finally caught up to him!

The trip was beyond amazing! It was so fabulous to get away...no Army...no computers...completely detached from the 'real world'...4 days just reconnecting with our wonderful lovins! We spent all day at the Parks and our evenings relaxing at the pool! It was definitely exhausting...there is so much to do. Especially when you stay on the property! I can't wait to do it all over again next year...
I think this picture says it all...

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