[who, we missed by 1 day, she'll actually be in the restaurant tomorrow]
Fred & I, sitting down to grub on some yum food!
Ribs, fried chicken...all the fix ens, biscuits & 'ho cakes'! 3 delish desserts to choose from...gluttony doesn't even begin to describe it!

Mmm Mmm
[Pineapple upside down cake Martini]
@ LuLu's Chocolate Bar

[the boys...shootin' the breeze]
How many drinks did it take for him to pose like this on a mo-ped!?

[Not as many as you think...Bwahahaha]

Marissa & I
Drinkin' it up @ Bay Street Blues

Karaoke anyone!?

After Bay Street Blues...we took a nice stroll down River Street and then met some more guys from the unit at Fiddlers! We didn't stay long and on our way back to the parking garage we stopped at Sweet Melissa's for some Pizza & H2O.
Gotta sober up a bit...we've gotta be mommies in less than 6 hours!
Uhmmm...those are some gianormous slices of Pizza!
No matter how many times I uploaded this pic, it always came out sideways...so deal with it!
I love this Man...so many good times, so many great memories!

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