...and parents just want to shoot themselves! Haha...ok! It's not THAT bad, plus it's great seeing the kids having so much fun! The funny thing is that I learned a few things about my kiddo's.
Like...how each of my kids eat their pizza differently!
Lauren likes to pick off the toppings, then eat the crust!

Ryan is a sideways pizza eater!

And Kailee likes to shove as much pizza in there as possible!

The wheels on the bus go round and round!
[Ugh, now that song is gonna be in my head!]
Kailee working on her cat-like Ninja reflexes!
This seemed like a good idea at the time...wait till she's in HS and I show it to all her friends!
Ryan & Daddy playing air hockey...I'm pretty sure, Ry let him win!
Haha, they are both concentrating so hard!
Who let the mouse ride shotgun!?
It's no fun when your thighs stick to the plastic and you have to inch down the slide!
Ryan playing in the tubes...the reason hand sanitizer was invented!

If only we could keep him caged 99% of the time!
Time to count the tickets...
YES! $60 later and we walk out with 2 .10 cent rings, a cardboard eye patch & a couple of lollipops!
But, who cares cause they had a ton of fun!
*Mommy is now ready for a big glass of Sangria!*
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