SHOES!? Seriously people!?
Ok, the presents are getting alittle better...
Who knew such a little table, could create such big headaches!?
Ya, basically our family keeps Razor in business!
Breakfast followed the unwrapping of presents! Red & green Christmas pancakes...they were deliciously festive! Even though mommy was seriously ready for a nap & daddy was itching to play his new PS3 games...we got the kiddo's dressed and headed outside, so they could test out their new toys!
She has the standing on it part down...
Kailee on the RipStik...w/her new phone permanently embedded in her hand!
We had planned on having a quiet Christmas dinner at home...especially after hosting Thanksgiving dinner. But, we received an invite to Jen & Preston's for alittle Christmas shindig. Perfect! Who doesn't love the idea of no cooking!? Fred just couldn't help himself though and ended up baking a delicious Christmas ham!
All in all, I have to say that we had a wonderful Christmas...the only thing that could've made it better would've been being back home in Cali with the rest of our Family!
~Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays~

Lambies first scooter...it won't be long till she's RipStik'n!

Hurry up Daddy!

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