Say what you want about the Bugaboo. Believe me, I know they aren't every one's cup of tea! Too trendy...Too Pricey...down right ugly! But, it amazes me how functional & convenient they truly are.
Friday, we took the kids to see Bedtime Stories w/the hilarious Adam Sandler. [Cute movie BTW] But, what do you do with a go go go, non stop 19 month old!? Besides try to book a last minute sitter!? How do you keep them from being folded into the seat [scratch that] How do you keep them seated, period!?
This is how...

The removable, stand alone seat is brilliant! It kept her seated the entire movie & even provided alittle boost. [not that it was needed, the theatre actually has nice stadium seating] Anyways, it has come in handy more than once...Not only is it great for holding down the corner of your beach blanket on a windy day...
But, it also gives your child a place to hide
when they suddenly decide sand is the enemy!

Alright, well this is my random blog for the week!
That's great!