We made a family trip to San Francisco, which started out with a visit to the SF Zoo...

.Petting Zoo.

.Faster Uncle Danny, FASTER.

"I'm walking into spider web, so leave a message & I'll call you back..."


.Men...total show offs.
After strolling the zoo for a couple hours, we all worked up quite an appetite. So it was off to Pier 39...

omg...garlic fries]

Kai, ready to crack some crab...

Fred's clam chowder...

Riding the merry-go-round!

Gotta see the Sea Lions!
It was a foggy/chilly SF afternoon [as it should be] and I wouldn't have it any other way! I wish we had more time to spend in the City, but we were all pretty pooped...so after we wrapped up at Pier 39, it was back over the Bay Bridge to grandma's!
Love the pic of you and Kai!