I love these 'weekly' stickers...My friend Sara clued me into them, she had 'monthly' ones stuck onto her adorable little boy! So after a quick Etsy search, I found this great seller...Purple Possom! I can't wait to order our 'monthly' stickers, SO many cute designs...

The Maybe Baby is growing strong...We had an ultrasound @ 15 weeks. HB is a healthy 146bpm and it's measuring a whole week ahead. So we are waiting for our next OB appt. to see if they are gonna bump up my due date!?
The 'plan' was to wait & be surprised...but, since we live so far from family & they rarely get to be included in holidays, birthdays...etc. we thought a 'gender reveal' party in April [when we head home to Cali] would be a fun way to get them involved...originally WE were gonna wait too, but my man-child husband is all too impatient and [literally] bouncing in his seat, begged me to find out...so we know, but we aren't saying! >] Mwahahaha...

There is a poll in the sidebar ~~~>

Chele, can you seriously get any cuter?!?! Love the stickers. I can't wait to hear about this party.