37 weeks & still [frank] breech...
So we decided to go ahead with the ECV [external cephalic version]. Here's how it went...
So we decided to go ahead with the ECV [external cephalic version]. Here's how it went...
-Checked into the hospital @ 7:30am
-Changed into a gown & strapped to monitors [fetal HR & contraction]
-Ultrasound just to make sure she was still breech [sure enough, she was]
-IV started [just in case]
-In depth ultrasound for measurements @ 9:00am [Chloe's est. weight 7lbs 9oz]
-Perinatologist & Dr. arrive, nurse & u/s tech still in the room. [a couple random people off to the side 'observing']
-Shot of Terbutaline in the arm [it made me SO jittery...awful stuff]
-Started the version, the Peri pushed her out of my pelvis [u/s], the other Dr. jumped in & they went counter clockwise...so if you invision a clock, she went from her head at 12 - 10 [u/s] 10-8 [u/s] final turn from 8 - 6 [u/s]. It took less than a minute...and was a complete success!
-No Epidural & all of it happened in a normal L&D Suite.
-Monitored for about an hour
-Released home @10:45am
Honestly, I would've done anything to avoid having a c-section...and I tried everything from handstands in the pool, ice packs on my tummy & laying inverted on an ironing board, little miss just wouldn't budge! As painful & scary as the ECV was...it was worth it & I'm thrilled that it worked! I'm also so thankful that Fred was able to be there by my side, it's cliche...but he's my rock.
38 Weeks...who knew that labor was just days away!

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