Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cake & stuff

Since it was just the fam, we ordered Lambie a petite cake & picked up a bunch of itty bitty cupcakes! But, even though it was just us...we had to put up a few decorations! Kailee made the flower center piece from left over tissue paper, with alittle help from the internet & mommy!
OMG, is he really reading directions!?
Looks like someone left their car on the 'Southside' too long!
Yay, she loves it!
The Birthday Girl
Thanks Liliana for fun new bath toys!
Here you go Daddy, one little piece of wrapping paper
Ryan showing Lauren how it's really done...
[he's in jam's cause he wasn't feeling so hot, I will spare you the details]
Her very own baby!
Let them eat cake...
Cake eating is thirsty work!
['Lauren' cup is from our friends Sami & Riley]
.owned. Thanks for all the Birthday wishes Lambie received. It means a lot!


  1. Awww hope she had an amazing birthday! That "southside" pic seriously cracked my ass up!!! I'm so glad you found a cabbage patch!! Where'd you end up scoring it? Does she love it?!? Oh so many questions :)

  2. Yeah, don't let her go to the ghetto again with that new car of hers. So CUTE! Happy Birthday again sweetie pie!!


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